


DECEMBER 29, 2008


PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Jim Trask, Ed LeBlanc, Jim Roberts, Angela Cushman




OTHERS PRESENT:  John Gay, Lisa Whitney


Selectmen Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00.













  1. Fire Department Committee.  Ted Poirier communicated that Paul Poirier will be the resident representative on this committee.
  2. Multi-purpose room use.  Angela Cushman and Jim Roberts to draft a policy for the Selectmen review.
  3. Hazardous Waste Days.  Ted Poirier will be attending a meeting January 8th at Saco City Hall.  The towns that will be included in this meeting are Saco, OOB, Scarborough, Biddeford and a contingency from Portland.  The Selectmen will discuss outcome at next Selectmen’s meeting.  Ted Poirier has also been in contact with the Town of Buxton as another option to Hazardous Waste Days.  The State may be developing something for small towns regarding hazardous waste.
  4. Foreclosure update.  Angela Cushman, Treasurer, reported that all 2006 taxes are now paid.



  1. York County Taxes.  The Selectmen have received preliminary budget number for the county.  Based on this budget, Dayton’s portion could increase by $4,500.  York County will be holding a Budget Meeting on January 9th.  Ted Poirier communicated that currently there is an excise tax reduction bill that will be submitted to the legislators.  If this bill passes, the Town could lose $135,000 in excise taxes.  A resident was the individual that initiated this bill.  Ted has been in communication with Barry Hobbins and Gary Connors regarding his concerns about this bill and possible grants available for town projects, i.e. ball fields.
  2. Town Budget.  Angela Cushman to come up with a schedule.



Lisa Whitney voiced her concerns about the recent surveying being conducted on Steele Rd.  She is concerned how far right the surveyors had flagged.  She reminded the Selectmen that she was told she had to do underground utilities and where based on feedback from certain abutters.  And now if this road is going where the flags are, it would be going over the utilities and beyond the telephone poles which she has a concern.  Lisa asked the Selectmen to take this concern into consideration.   Ed LeBlanc asked for clarification of where the tags are located and indicated that possibly the surveyors are trying to figure out where the road should be located.  Ed LeBlanc to follow up with surveyors regarding work being performed on Steele Rd.




  1. 12/31/08 A/P Warrant




Ed LeBlanc made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 19:27


*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.



_________________________ Ted Poirier, Chair


_________________________ Ed LeBlanc


_________________________Jim Trask

