


DECEMBER 15, 2008


PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Ed LeBlanc, Jim Roberts, Angela Cushman, Mike Souliere


ABSENT:  Jim Trask


OTHERS PRESENT:  John Gay, Lisa Whitney, Sheila Dube


Selectmen Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00.







            Theresa Payuer, Planning Board member, expire 2011



  1. Ruth Smith correspondence.  Ted Poirier read a letter received from Ruth Smith regarding her property off Buzzell Rd.  Ruth is concerned about the current lawsuit regarding Steele Rd and future access to her property, Map 3 Lot 37-1.  Ruth requested the town to lay out a road from Buzzell Rd over and across Steele Rd to access her land.  The Selectmen have a meeting with Tim Murphy, Town Attorney for the Steele Rd lawsuit, tomorrow.



  1. Bickford Rd. repair.  Repairs have been completed. 
  2. Trash pick up on Toad Island Rd.  Resident communicated to Ed LeBlanc that she is willing to allow the trash truck to turn around in her driveway.  Ed LeBlanc will contact BBI to check for feasibility.
  3. Fire Department Committee.  Ed LeBlanc and Ted Poirier to follow up with Paul Poirier regarding his interest of serving on this committee as the resident representative.
  4. RSU board elections.  A discussion was held regarding a stipend for the RSU Dayton board member.  Ed LeBlanc made a motion to pay up to $5,000 to the RSU Board member; 2nd by Ted Poirier.  Passed 2/0. 
  5. Multi-purpose room use.  Angela Cushman and Jim Roberts to draft a policy for the Selectmen review.
  6. Banking.  Selectmen have met with a representative from Gorham Savings Bank and are considering changing banking for the Town.
  7. Planning Board member.  Members are still needed for the Planning Board. 
  8. Hazardous Waste Days.  Ted Poirier still trying to resolve current process with Saco.



  1. Fair Hearing Authority.  There is a possibility of a Fair Hearing being requested by a resident regarding General Assistance.  Angela Cushman wanted to clarify with the Selectmen that the Selectmen board is currently the Fair Hearing Authority unless they want to appoint someone.  The Selectmen decided to remain as the Fair Hearing Authority.
  2. Computer status.  The computer that was serving as the server was lost during the ice storm.  Fortunately, backups have been occurring and minimal data entry is needed to bring the system up to date.  Backups occur every night the office is open for business.  On a monthly basis a backup is completed and taken offsite.
  3. Foreclosure update.  There are still 4 accounts that have outstanding taxes for 2006.  To avoid foreclosure, payments need to be received no later than December 29th.  
  4. Holiday office party.  Wed., Dec. 17th.
  5. Ice Storm.  Mike Souliere submitted a bill for the work related to the Ice Storm.  Selectmen thanked Mike and Jim Roberts for all their work completed during the ice storm.






  1. 12/17/08 A/P Warrant
  2. Appointment for Planning Board Member




Ed LeBlanc made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 19:30.



*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.



_________________________ Ted Poirier, Chair


_________________________ Ed LeBlanc


_________________________Jim Trask

