


DECEMBER 8, 2008


PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Jim Roberts, Ed LeBlanc, Mike Souliere, Susan Bellerose


ABSENT:  Jim Trask


OTHERS PRESENT:  Theresa Payuer, John Gay


Selectmen Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:08.










  1. CEO Report.  Jim Roberts communicated that each person that has a key to the building will to select a password for the security system that way access can be monitored.           



  1. Bickford Rd. repair.  Repairs have been completed. 
  2. Trash pick up on Toad Island Rd.  Resident communicated to Ed LeBlanc that she is willing to allow the trash truck to turn around in her driveway.  Ed LeBlanc will contact BBI to check for feasibility.
  3. Fire Department Committee.  Jim Trask will be the representative for the Selectmen.  Ed LeBlanc will contact Dan Gay to represent the Budget Committee.  Paul Poirier is interested in being the resident representative.
  4. RSU board elections.  Some discussions were held on paying the RSU Dayton board member.  The Joint SU7 School Board has discussed the possibility of having a stipend of $600 per year or $10-$25 per meeting.  Selectmen reviewed correspondence from the RSU Interim Secretary regarding the upcoming Board Elections on February 10th.
  5. Multi-purpose room use.  Angela Cushman and Jim Roberts to draft a policy for the Selectmen review.
  6. Banking.  Angela Cushman to schedule a meeting with Gorham Savings Bank.
  7. Planning Board members.  Theresa Payuer expressed her interest in the planning board and provided her background to the Selectmen.
  8. Hazardous Waste.  The Selectmen will be re-looking at the Town’s participation in the Hazardous Waste Days.




  1. Tax Collector reporting. Excise tax is comparable to last year.  Reporting was provided for October and November.  Susie Bellerose will be working for Lyman on Tuesdays and Fridays through June.  Susie also provided a brief overview of the Municipal Law training that she recently attended.
  2. Snowplow contract.  Ed LeBlanc and Ted Poirier visited Paul Poirier and reviewed trucks for plowing.  All snow plow trucks have been inspected and registered.




John Gay asked about the potholes on the Waterhouse Rd.  Mike will take care of pot holes in addition to some tree trimming over the next couple of months.                         



  1. 12/10/08 A/P Warrant
  2. 12/10/08 Payroll Warrant




Ed LeBlanc made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 19:48.



*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.



_________________________ Ted Poirier, Chair


_________________________ Ed LeBlanc


_________________________Jim Trask

