


FEBRUARY 4, 2008


PRESENT:  Jim Trask, Ted Poirier, Ed LeBlanc, Angela Cushman, Jim Roberts, Mike Souliere




OTHERS PRESENT:  Sheila Dube, John Gay, Barbara Petersen, Dan Gay, Woody Brown, Connie Hill, Paul Reynolds, Darcy Grondin


Selectmen Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00.

















  1. Town property on Hollis Rd. Angela Cushman to advertise in Courier. Dave Hill has some concerns about the right of way to this land.  Discussion was held on the wording of the article for capital improvement and land account.  Angela Cushman to research wording.
  2. School re-organization.  Sheila Dube gave an update on the wards. 
  3. Contract zoning ordinance. Ed LeBlanc made a motion to accept the contract zoning ordinance; 2nd by Jim Trask.  Passed 3/0.
  4. Waste management contract.  Angela Cushman to publish ad in the Portland Press and Journal Tribune.
  5. Snow Plow contract.  David Ordway, Town Attorney, working on contract.
  6. Employee Handbook.  Angela Cushman to update the policy and submit to the Town’s attorney for review. 
  7. Saco River Corridor Commission.  The commission is looking for a representative from the Town.  Anyone interested should contact one of the Selectmen.    
  8. Foreclosure policy.  Angela Cushman presented and discussed a foreclosure policy with the Selectmen.  Ed LeBlanc made a motion to accept foreclosure policy.  Passed 3/0.
  9. General Assistance.  Patricia Littlefield, DHS, will be providing some training in the near future. 
  10. Building Committee. Jim Roberts and Angela Cushman met with the architect on February 1st.  The architect will have updated plans and an estimate of construction in 2 weeks. 



  1. Budget committee.  Committee members were in to talk with Selectmen.  Some topics discussed were current contracts (which have all been extended for one year), implementation date of RSU fall of 2009, school budget workshops, plowing contract, waste management contract, new town hall and general assistance.
  2. Animal control officer.    Jim Roberts discussed the need to train someone to issue summons.  Ed to talk with Ken Guay about getting trained.  Lyman is also looking to budget an animal control officer this year.  Maybe we should consider joining efforts with Lyman
  3. Caucus.  Janice Sauders, Registrar of Voters, will be attending the caucuses to register voters.
  4. Voting accessibility.  The town has received a $2,109 reimbursement from the State for updating the town office and the school for voting accessibility.



  1. 02/06/08 Payroll Warrant
  2. 02/06/08 Accounts Payable Warrant
  3. Appointments




Motion made by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn meeting at 20:35.


*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.



_________________________ Ted Poirier, Chair


_________________________ Ed LeBlanc


_________________________Jim Trask

