


JANUARY 22, 2008


PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Ed LeBlanc, Angela Cushman, Jim Roberts, Mike Souliere


ABSENT: Jim Trask


OTHERS PRESENT:  Sheila Dube, Scott MacDonald, Amos Gay


Selectmen Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00.







            Jim Roberts, Local Plumbing Inspector, expires January 2009.



  1.  Road salt pricing for next year will probably increase according to the COG.






  1. Selectmen have received a written update from the Town’s attorney regarding the town property on Hollis Rd. David Ordway, Town’s Attorney, discussed briefly the letter with the Selectmen.  David communicated that the Town should advertise if the Selectmen decide to sell land at a later date.
  2. School re-organization. No update at this time.
  3. Contract zoning ordinance. No update at this time.
  4. Waste management contract.  David Ordway provided an update to the Selectmen.  David disclosed that BBI has been a client of his for 20 years.  David consulted with another lawyer to see if there is a conflict of interest and determined that there is not a conflict. The current contract with BBI expires in March. The Selectmen agreed to the following schedule: January 28th sign off on final copy of contract, Feb 4th advertise, Feb 20th at 4 pm all bids in to town hall, Feb 22nd decision will be made by Selectmen.  The contract will have a March 1st effective date.
  5. Snow Plow contract.  The updated contract was given to David Ordway for review.  Bidding for this contract will occur in April. 
  6. Employee Handbook.  The Selectmen will have another workshop review the draft handbook and will meet again on January 28th 6-7pm to continue review. 
  7. Saco River Corridor Commission.  The commission is looking for a representative from the Town.  Anyone interested should contact one of the Selectmen. 
  8. Tax Lien update.  David Ordway and Angela Cushman discussed the latest procedures on automatic foreclosures and next steps with the Selectmen.  David communicated that mortgage holders must be identified during the lien process and that he believed that mortgage holders have up to 4 months to pay outstanding tax payments.  Angela to verify mortgage holder timeline and to write up a policy for the Selectmen to review and approve on January 28th. 
  9. General Assistance.  Angela has sent an e-mail to Cindy Boyd, DHS for potential training opportunities.
  10. Budget Committee. All previous budget committee members will be at the February 4th Selectmen’s Meeting.
  11. Building Committee.  Selectmen reviewed and discussed proposal from architect. Ed LeBlanc made a motion to authorize the spending of $2,470 for the 1st phase of the architect’s proposal; 2nd by Ted Poirier.  Passed 2/0.



  1. Amos Gay and Scott MacDonald were in to give an update on zoning mapping.  Amos and Scott need clarification on the Critical Resource Zone.  Jim Roberts has already completed this work, but this clarification can only be voted on during a town meeting. 
  2. Jim Roberts has been appointed Local Plumbing Inspector for the Town.  The former inspector, Mike Polakewich, has agreed to be appointed as a deputy inspector.



  1. 01/15/08 Selectmen minutes
  2. 01/23/08 Accounts Payable Warrant
  3. 01/23/08 Payroll Warrant
  4. Appointment for Jim Roberts, LPI




Motion made by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn meeting at 20:35.


*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.



_________________________ Ted Poirier, Chair


_________________________ Ed LeBlanc


_________________________Jim Trask

