


MARCH 10, 2008


PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Angela Cushman, Ed LeBlanc, Mike Souliere, Jim Trask, Jim Roberts




OTHERS PRESENT:  Sheila Dube, Lisa Whitney, John Gay, Millie Tuttle, Susan Bellerose


Selectmen Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00.











  1. Letter from resident regarding mailbox was reviewed by Selectmen.  Angela Cushman to reply.
  2. Clerk’s Report
  3. CEO Report



  1. John Gay asked how to take care of a stray cat.  Stray cats can be taken to the Kennebunk Animal Shelter.



  1. School re-organization.  Millie Tuttle was in to provide an update to the Selectmen.  April 1st is the deadline for filing plans with the State.  By March 28th the re-organization would like a document indicating property being allocated to the school.  Ted Poirier to contact Tim Murphy to draft a document.  The State is requiring schools to budget $35 per student K-12; approximately $14,000 for costs associated with transition.
  2. Snow Plow contract.  Legal ads will be placed in the Portland Press on March 14th, 15th & 16th and Journal Tribune on March 14th & 15th.  Bids will be due March 26th at 4pm and opened on March 31st at 7 pm.
  3. Employee Handbook.  Angela Cushman to update the policy and submit to the Town’s attorney for review. 
  4. Saco River Corridor Commission.  The commission is looking for a representative from the Town.  Anyone interested should contact one of the Selectmen.    
  5. Building Committee. The Committee will hold a public hearing the 1st week of April.
  6. Animal Control Officer.  Ed LeBlanc to follow up with Ken Guay.  
  7. Harris Farm skier crossing sign.  Mike Souliere contacted Harris Farm.  Selectmen agreed to purchase 2 pedestrian crossing signs.
  8. Waste Management contract.  Selectmen signed the waste management contract. 
  9. Hights Landing bids.  Ed LeBlanc contacted bidder for negotiations.  Selectmen discussed outcome of negotiations and will make a decision at a later time.    
  10. PSAP extension.  The PSAP contract indicates if a Town would like to extend contract a letter needs to be sent to the State.  Angela Cushman to draft a letter for the Selectmen.



  1. Mike Souliere communicated that the gates at the transfer station have not been fixed yet.  Ed LeBlanc and Jim Trask to follow up with snow plow contractor.
  2. Angela Cushman and Susie Bellerose provided monthly reporting to the Selectmen.  There was $24,849 in motor vehicle excise collected for the month of February. 
  3. County budget.  Millie Tuttle indicated the county budget will probably increase by 5.2%.



  1. Selectmen minutes dated 03/03/08.
  2. Training request for tax collector.




Motion made by Jim Trask to adjourn meeting at 19:55.


*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.



_________________________ Ted Poirier, Chair


_________________________ Ed LeBlanc


_________________________Jim Trask

