


NOVEMBER 25, 2008


PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Jim Roberts, Ed Leblanc, Jim Trask, Angela Cushman, Mike Souliere




OTHERS PRESENT:  Lisa Whitney, Heather Lavoie, Laurie & Derrick Vezina, Deb Sawyer


Selectmen Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00.



            Selectmen entered into executive session to discuss a possible abatement.  Outcome:  No decision at this time.








  1. Reviewed email from the Goodwins Mills Fire Department.                  



  1. New Municipal building. Jim Roberts provided an update to the Selectmen. Some paving was completed and the remaining will be completed in the spring.  Angela Cushman, Treasurer, provided an updated report on expenses to the Selectmen.  Municipal building was sold for a $1,000 and the vault door was sold for $100. Outstanding item:  Ed LeBlanc to contact the school regarding cleaning out the section of the modular they are using for storage.  The Selectmen will then decide when to sell the small modular building



  1. Bickford Road repairs.  Laurie Vezina communicated her concerns about the repairs that have recently been completed on the Bickford Rd. and the frustrations on communications on the status of the road.  Mike Souliere communicated that paving will be completed tomorrow.  The Selectmen communicated that the Bickford Rd. will be on the list for roads for next budget, July ‘09-June ’10.
  2. Trash pickup on Toad Island.  The Selectmen discussed the situation and Ed LeBlanc will follow up with resident.
  3. Security System.  Jim Roberts communicated that each person that has a key to the building will need to select a password for the security system.  This will allow the town to monitor access to the building.
  4. Fire Department Committee.  Jim Trask will be the representative for the Selectmen.  Ed LeBlanc will contact Dan Gay regarding the Budget Committee representative.  Jim Roberts to post on website that a resident is needed for the committee.
  5. Dayton School request for capital improvement funds.  Ed LeBlanc made a motion to release funds to the Dayton School to cover the expenses of the septic repairs; 2nd by Jim Trask.  Passed 3/0.
  6. RSU board elections will occur in January. Some discussion was held in regards to paying the Dayton board member.
  7. Multi-purpose room use.  Selectmen will develop a policy and communicate to residents.  The room is expected to be available by mid December.
  8. Selectmen meetings.  Discussion was held regarding appropriate days for Selectmen meetings.  The Selectmen will re-visit at next meeting.
  9. Banking.  Selectmen held a discussion regarding investments held by the Town. Ted and Angela outstanding item.







  1. 11/26/08 A/P Warrant
  2. 11/26/08 Payroll Warrant




Ed LeBlanc made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 19:48.



*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.



_________________________ Ted Poirier, Chair


_________________________ Ed LeBlanc


_________________________Jim Trask

