


SEPTEMBER 29, 2008


PRESENT:  Ted Poirier, Jim Roberts, Ed Leblanc, Jim Trask, Angela Cushman




OTHERS PRESENT:  John Gay, Darrell Whitney, Michelle Boisjoly


Selectmen Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00.










  1. CEO report
  2. Training update.  Janice Saunders recently attended a Clerks Election Workshop.
  3. Selectmen reviewed an email received from a resident regarding Mast Rd. shouldering.  Mike Souliere, Road Commissioner, will be shouldering the road.                 



  1. Landfill at Transfer station.  Two signs have been installed.  One more sign has been ordered.  Selectmen discussed the possibility of installing 4 ft fencing around the landfill.  The Selectmen decided at this time to monitor the area.
  2. New Municipal building. Jim and Angela provided an update.  Ads will be placed in the newspaper for the selling & removal of current building and current vault door.  Angela to handle ads.  Selectmen discussed the possibility of selling the small modular building.  Ed LeBlanc to contact the school regarding cleaning out the section of the modular they are using for storage.  The Selectmen will then decide when to sell the small modular building.  Angela informed the Selectmen that permanent financing may be delayed through Maine Municipal Bond Bank due to the current fluctuations in the market.  Selectmen were provided with an update on the expenses vs. budget for the new building.
  3. Energy Forum.  Jim Roberts provided an update to the Selectmen regarding assistance for residents for the winter.



  1. Assessor update.  Michelle Boisjoly, tax assessor, provided an update to the Selectmen.  The zoning layer that was completed by another company has been given to the digital mapping company to see if the two will line up for use.  As a result of the digital mapping the Town has gained $1,740.00 in tax revenue.  These revenues will offset the costs of the digital mapping.  Michelle communicated that she would like to implement using the real estate values determined by the software that was purchased instead of the manual table driven for evaluation.  There could possibly be a less than 5% difference between evaluations either way.  Also, Michelle asked whether the Selectmen would be interested in having tax information on the website.  The main reason town’s implement having information available on the website would to reduce phone calls. Michelle made the Selectmen aware that the Town currently sells copies of the database for $50 to companies that work with mortgage companies. Selectmen decided that they do not want the town listing sold to businesses. Also, the Selectmen are not interested in having tax information on the website at this time.  Michelle will be working on updating tax cards with digital pictures.    
  2. Janice Saunders asked about the Town providing food and drinks for the election workers.  Selectmen agreed to budget $200 for food and drinks for the election workers.
  3. Ed LeBlanc communicated that a resident was interested in having the Town form a group of residents to collectively purchase oil.  Selectmen discussed and decided that the Town was not interested in participating in a collective purchase with residents.
  4. Selectmen discussed the snowplow contract and the status of the salt supply in the Town Garage.






  1. 09/15/08 Selectmen Minutes
  2. 10/01/08 A/P Warrant
  3. 10/01/08 Payroll Warrant





Ed LeBlanc made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 19:50.



*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.



_________________________ Ted Poirier, Chair


_________________________ Ed LeBlanc


_________________________Jim Trask

