


FEBRUARY 11, 2008


PRESENT:  Jim Trask, Ted Poirier, Ed LeBlanc, Angela Cushman, Jim Roberts




OTHERS PRESENT:  Darrell Whitney, Jon Boissonnault


Selectmen Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00.











            CEO Report






  1. School re-organization.  Re-organization workshop March 5th being conducted by Drummond Woodsum.  Ted Poirier to check with Millie Tuttle regarding attendance of workshop.
  2. Snow Plow contract.  David Ordway, Town Attorney, working on contract.   
  3. Employee Handbook.  Angela Cushman to update the policy and submit to the Town’s attorney for review. 
  4. Saco River Corridor Commission.  The commission is looking for a representative from the Town.  Anyone interested should contact one of the Selectmen.    
  5. General Assistance.  Patricia Littlefield, DHS, will be providing some training in the near future. 
  6. Building Committee. Jim Roberts and Angela Cushman met with the architect on February 1st.  The architect will have updated plans and an estimate of construction in 2 weeks. 
  7. Animal Control Officer.  Ed LeBlanc to follow up with Ken Guay.



  1. Article wording for capital improvement and land account funds.  Angela Cushman and Jim Roberts researched whether approval from voters is required before using this money.  The land account fund requires voter approval.  Angela Cushman still researching the capital improvement funds.
  2. Web hosting.  Jim Roberts is looking into changing web hosting from Virtual Town Hall to .gov hosting.
  3. Susie Bellerose, Tax Collector, and Angela Cushman, Treasurer, provided monthly reporting to the Selectmen.  Ed LeBlanc made a motion to move the balance in the designated fund for tax maps to the current tax map account; 2nd Jim Trask.  Passed 3/0.
  4. Fuel Assistance.  Judy Metcalf, UNE Geriatric Division, has contacted the town to see if there is interest in receiving a donation of fuel assistance to help out elderly residents.  Dead River is willing to make a donation to the town for $375.  Selectmen are interested and have identified a couple potential elderly residents.
  5. Office closed Monday, February 18th.  Selectmen will meet Tuesday, February 19th 7 pm.
  6. The school is interested in looking at installing a canopy walkway between the main building and modular.  Jim Trask discussed with Selectmen.  Ed LeBlanc thought the Fire Department did not approve last time.  Selectmen okay with looking into again.
  7. Ed LeBlanc discussed with the Selectmen the idea of sending a thank you note to FPL and IF&W for the security at the Boat Launch last August.  Angela Cushman to compose a letter for next meeting.



  1. Vacation request
  2. Selectmen minutes 01/28/08 & 02/04/08




Motion made by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn meeting at 19:45.


*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.



_________________________ Ted Poirier, Chair


_________________________ Ed LeBlanc


_________________________Jim Trask

