


JANUARY 28, 2008


PRESENT:  Jim Trask, Ted Poirier, Ed LeBlanc, Angela Cushman, Jim Roberts, Mike Souliere




OTHERS PRESENT:  Sheila Dube, Lisa Whitney, John Gay, John Boissonnault


Selectmen Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00.



            Jim Trask made a motion to go into executive session to discuss a personnel issue.





            Mike Polakewich, Local Plumbing Inspector, Deputy, expires January 2009.



            CEO Report






  1. Selectmen decided to go ahead with the sale of the land on the Hollis Rd.  Angela Cushman to advertise in the Courier.  Advertising the week of Feb 4th, all bids in to town hall by Feb 20th at 4 pm and opening of bids by Selectmen on Feb 25th.
  2. School re-organization. Ted Poirier communicated that some of the topics discussed in the last meeting were designation of the land around the school for the RSU to maintain and that several Saco town council members have voiced concerns about the wards that have developed by the RSU committee.   
  3. Contract zoning ordinance. No update at this time.
  4. Waste management contract.  Angela Cushman to publish ad. The Selectmen agreed to the following schedule: signed off on final copy of contract, Feb 4th to advertise, Feb 20th at 4 pm all bids in to town hall, Feb 25th decision will be made by Selectmen. 
  5. Snow Plow contract.  The updated contract was given to David Ordway for review.  Bidding for this contract will occur in April. 
  6. Employee Handbook.  The Selectmen have completed the review of the draft handbook.  Jim Roberts suggested adding a policy on cell phone use in the town office.  Angela Cushman to update the policy and submit to the Town’s attorney for review. 
  7. Saco River Corridor Commission.  The commission is looking for a representative from the Town.  Anyone interested should contact one of the Selectmen. 
  8. Tax Lien process.  Angela Cushman to write up a policy regarding automatic foreclosures and present to the Selectmen at the next meeting.
  9. General Assistance.  DHS will be providing training for the Town in the near future. Jim Roberts to post on the town website information on low-income heating assistance. 
  10. Building Committee. John Boissonnault asked where the funding will come from to build the new town hall. The costs associated with the initial architect costs were allocated from the contingency account.  Additional monies associated with building the new town hall would be done at the annual town meeting.



  1. Road salt for Lyman.  The Town of Lyman was looking to get some help with road salt.  Ed LeBlanc to contact Lyman.
  2. Monthly reporting.  Susie Bellerose, Tax Collector, provided an updated on tax collection and Angela Cushman, Treasurer, on financial reporting. 
  3. Jim Roberts has been appointed Local Plumbing Inspector for the Town.  The former inspector, Mike Polakewich, has agreed to be appointed as a deputy inspector.



  1. Appointment for Mike Polakewich, LPI, Deputy




Motion made by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn meeting at 20:35.


*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.



_________________________ Ted Poirier, Chair


_________________________ Ed LeBlanc


_________________________Jim Trask

