
Dayton Planning Board

July 7, 2008


Members Present: Rick Shaw (Chair), Dick Hall, Remi Caron, Valerie Cole (Alt.)


Others Present: Bill Thompson, Jim Roberts (CEO)



Minutes of May 2, 2008 were approved (Dick Hall moved, Remi Caron seconded, all voted in favor.)


Old Business: None discussed.


New Business:

NEW TOWN HALL BUILDING: Bill Thompson handed out plans for the new Town Hall. Remi Caron informed the Board that he was a member of the Town Building Committee and asked if anyone felt there was a potential conflict of interest. There were no comments or objections.


Bill Thompson explained that the ramp on the current building would be removed and the ground prepared for building. The new town hall would be completed before the current one is abolished. There will be a separate well and septic. Currently the well is tied into the school; the new building would have its own.


The two current curb cuts would be widened to 24 feet and both would be two-way traffic. There would be no new curb cuts. There would be 30 parking spaces, two of which would be handicapped. There will also be room for overflow parking in the future after the athletic fields are finished. There is the possibility of six spaces for staff parking. Final grades for the parking lot have not yet been worked out. The 30 spaces would be 20 feet from the basketball court. Bill proposes a couple dry wells to capture the surface water. Currently water flows out through a catch basin and an eight-inch pipe: increased run-off is anticipated. The parking lot will not have curbing. There would be a culvert under one curb cut to pull water away. (Currently there is none.)


Bill indicated that the following needs to be done:

·        Test pits

·        Analyze storm water flow

·        Landscaping plan (low key) Some trees may be saved, others need to be cut down.

·        Lighting needs to be evaluated.

·        There will be a second egress in the back corner of the building: does the Board want a walkway from that door around the building? Jim felt there should be something.

·        There may be a new directory sign to inform of town events.

·        Utility poles need to be placed, as well as plumbing.

·        Septic will be planned so as not to interfere with possible future expansion (septic system is based on the number of employees. A larger one will be in the plans, although a minimum size may be adequate.)


Dick asked about potential zoning issues, there are none known as it is mixed use zone.


Bill noted the following points on the plan:

·        The setback from Route 35 would be 50 feet.

·        There is a separation between the building and the basketball court. The play area and basketball court will be intact, there is room for future ball fields. Cars won't be allowed on fields.

·        There will be a ramp to all the doors for handicapped accessibility.

·        There can't be any more parking out in front because of limitations.

·        It may be necessary to turn the septic if a drive-through is installed in the future, but this is easy to do. The septic setback from the road is a minimum of 10 feet, so there is ample room.

·        It would also be possible to have parking in the future on the backside of the building, with another curb cut.

·        DOT has no issues if current curb cuts are widened.

·        Any future additions could be added to the back or off the right-hand side, although the second option would make the building longer.

·        Parking lot will be paved.


Rick noted that the building committee had already held two public hearings. He asked if there were any issues during the meetings: there were no major issues. Rick wondered if there was a need for more public hearings. Jim noted that that the proposed design had its own web page and the hearings had fewer than 30 people.


Rick asked if there would be more information in two weeks. Bill said he would have landscaping, storm water, photometrics, septic, and other reports. Rick proposed reviewing the plans again at the next meeting. He noted that there has already been a lot of work done on this by the Building Committee and there was no need to continue to drag it out. Other members agreed.


Bill Thompson asked if it was necessary to fill out an application. Dick felt that one should be on file. Jim said he would fill one out.


Rick asked if the building needed sprinklers: Jim said that it was not required in part because it is one floor and much of it is built of fire resistant material. The local fire department says it is not required.


Jim noted that Mike Polakewich would be overseeing the project, so that Jim avoids any potential conflict of interest.


Dick moved to adjourn at 7:40 PM. Remi seconded and all voted in favor. The next meeting will be held on Monday, July 21, 2008, 7:00PM.





Valerie J. Cole, Secretary





Rick Shaw, Chair



COPIES TO: Jim Roberts, Code Enforcement Officer; Selectmen; and Tax Assessor