Members Present: Rick Shaw (Chair), Dick Hall, Gary Cobleigh, Remi Caron, Valerie Cole (Alt.)
Others Present: Jim Roberts
Old Business:
NEW TOWN HALL: Gary Cobleigh noted that the back windows in the new town hall are smaller than he felt were prudent for safety. If there is a fire in the lobby, the only way out of the office, other than the lobby door, is through the back windows and he felt they are too small and too high for escape.
Jim Roberts explained that the building was designed by the building committee and approved by the town. The Planning Boards part was to approve the site and plans as presented. The Fire Marshall had also approved it.
Rick Shaw noted that the building was built to code, as it is a public building.
Dick asked who would make the decision to enlarge a window. Jim felt it would have to go before the building committee and the Selectmen. He felt there would be an aesthetic issue also.
Dick stated that the safety concern was duly noted, and he had no problem with going to the Selectmen and inquiring about a bigger window.
After further discussion it was decided that Jim would email the building committee members and see if they wish to discuss the issue. He will also bring up the matter to the Selectmen at their December 2 meeting.
Dick noted that the aesthetics issue could be solved by replacing one window with a door, which would also permit an egress for a handicapped employee. The first responsibility is to meet code, then installing a door would be going beyond that.
New Business:
RESIGNATION: Rick Shaw’s term expires at the end of 2008: he submitted his resignation to the Board. Jim will present a copy of his resignation letter to the Selectmen at their December 2 meeting.
CHANGE IN MEETING DAY: The Selectmen have asked if the Planning Board would consider meeting on another night, so the Selectmen could meet on Monday when the town employees are still at the office and able to present their reports. Members agreed to move the meetings to the first Tuesday of every month. The meeting in the third week of the month will be dropped unless the Board starts to get busy again. The new schedule will start on
WORKSHOP MEETINGS: Dick expressed concern that the Board is relatively inexperienced and this could lead to delays and misunderstandings with applicants. After discussion, members agreed to hold workshops on meeting nights when there is nothing on the agenda. Members will review procedure and zoning ordinances in order to become more familiar with the Board’s responsibilities. The next workshop meeting will be held on Monday, December 15th.
Dick motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 PM. Gary seconded, all voted in favor. The next meeting will be held on Monday, December 15th,
Valerie J. Cole, Secretary
Rick Shaw, Chair
COPIES TO: Jim Roberts, Code Enforcement Officer; Selectmen; and Tax Assessor