Dayton Planning Board
May 5, 2008
Members Present: Rick Shaw (Chair), Dick Hall, Remi Caron, Gary Cobleigh, Valerie Cole (Alt.)
Others Present: Jim Roberts, CEO
The minutes from the March 3, 2008 meeting and the notes from the March 5, 2008 public hearing were read and accepted. Dick Hall motioned, Valerie Cole seconded, all voted in favor.
New members Gary Cobleigh and Remi Caron were in attendance.
Old Business:
PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE CHANGES: A public hearing will be held Wednesday, May 28, 7:00 PM at the modular building and will address contract zoning and the floodplain management ordinance. Jim Roberts noted that FEMA wants the town to update its floodplain ordinance.
LINWOOD ACRES: Engineers’ reports and a letter from the bank to Brian Plourde regarding the release of funds were placed on file.
VERNAL POOLS: Members reviewed a brochure from a company offering aerial mapping of vernal pools. Rick noted that field checking probably still needs to be done. It was decided that the service probably is not adequate for the Board’s needs.
New Business:
WIND POWER: Dick noted that Dayton has nothing in the zoning ordinance that deals with wind power and towers. Although nothing has been proposed, it is an issue that many towns are starting to have. Three items to consider are the height of the tower/distance from other structures, the possible noise generated by the tower, and the length of time that it might remain inactive.
Dick moved to cancel the next meeting, as there is nothing on the agenda. Rick Shaw seconded, all voted in favor. The next meeting will be held on Monday, June 2, at 6:00PM so as not to conflict with the town meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00PM.
Valerie J. Cole, Secretary
Rick Shaw, Chair
COPIES TO: Jim Roberts, Code Enforcement Officer; Selectmen; and Tax Assessor