Members Present: Rick Shaw (Chair), Dick Hall, Remi Caron, Gary Cobleigh, John Boissonnault, Valerie Cole (Alt)
Others Present: Jim Roberts, Mary and Steve Korpi, Bill Thompson
Minutes from
Rick Shaw introduced new Board member John Boissonnault.
New Business:
Rick Shaw felt that these are all positive terms to the town and that the changes could be approved at the current meeting. Dick Hall moved to accept the changes as detailed for Swan Pond subdivision: the duplexes will be taken out of Lots 3 and 6 and both will revert to single family dwellings, and the 21 acres in
Old Business:
NEW TOWN HALL: Bill Thompson presented amended plans for the new town hall. Sheet 1 shows that there are no changes in the parking lot. The septic system has been designed and the test pits were dug. (No inspector was present, so it will be done again.) The test pits so far seem adequate, as the ground is gravel. Copies have been submitted to Jim. The septic system has been designed for six employees plus additional members of the public. After discussion, it was decided that the septic would be turned so as to align with the building. This will allow more use of the field in back. The well will be placed near the front right-hand corner of the building.
Grading will be structured so that water can flow behind the building. Some of the water flow in the front will go to a culvert in the parking lot. The balance will go to the sides into two dry wells. Soils appear capable of supporting two dry wells.
The increased parking calls for an additional 8500 square feet of impervious area, but that does not trigger additional permitting. Currently four handicapped parking spaces are planned but that may be decreased to two. State minimum is two. One would be designed for a van, one for a car. The plans meet town standards.
Sheet 2 shows the existing conditions and what the town owns.
Sheet 3 shows the landscaping and lighting plan.
Dick Hall asked if the Building Committee has to approve the plans. Bill Thompson thought their function was to deal with the size and space.
To provide room for parking, most of the trees will have to be cut down. The landscaping plans propose four hophornbeam trees for the front, which are slow growing and will reach a height of 30 feet. Three dogwoods are proposed for the corner near the street. At the request of the Selectmen, a flagpole will be located near the dogwoods. Hydrangeas will be planted in front of the building and vibernum will be planted in the back. The grounds will be loamed and seeded.
John Boissonnault asked if electricity would be run out to the flagpole so the flag can be lit and left up at night. Dick noted that the rule is more relaxed now, to conserve energy.
Gary Cobleigh asked if the flagpole could be moved to the island between the curb cuts. Bill thought it would be a possibility if the grading were changed. After discussion it was decided to move the flagpole and its light to the island so that it is near a walkway.
Bill Thompson asked for site plan approval. Dick Hall moved to approve the proposed plans with the following changes:
1. Relocation of the flagpole and its light to the island at the end of the walkway
2. Alignment of the septic system with the back of the building
Gary Cobleigh seconded, all voted in favor. Bill Thompson will return with final changes and documents in two weeks for signing.
Dick Hall moved to adjourn at
Valerie J. Cole, Secretary
Rick Shaw, Chair
COPIES TO: Jim Roberts, Code Enforcement Officer; Selectmen; and Tax Assessor