May 16, 2005
PRESENT: Ed LeBlanc, Keith Harris, Jim Trask Chris L’Heureux,
OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Ted Poirier, Skip Cushman, Evans Mclaughlin, Mike Souliere, Tom Allain,
Selectman Ed LeBlanc declared the meeting open at 19:00
1. Annual Town Report proof has been received by Lincoln Press and reviewed, it was satisfactory and has been sent to the presses it should be ready in a couple of weeks at the latest. New estimate on the report is approx. $1200.00
2. Municipal Election Ballots have been received, and they will be available for absentee voting.
3. Skip Cushman was in to brief the Board about the Modular Building, They have found exterior mold around and under windows, The sheathing and windows along with siding would have to be replaced, The School board is working with Schavi and they have also retained a lawyer to look into this, They have an estimate of approx, $300,000 to repair the building and it would not be ready for September. The mold abatement process report should be done by the end of the week and the School Board will have the report and they will go from there. Skip will keep us advised.
1. Evans Mclaughlin was in seeking an abatement on his taxes of some sort, Ed LeBlanc stated that his property is almost sold and he will be paying his taxes up in full once sold. "I Keith Harris move that the board go into executive session pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(A) to discuss the abatement as described above." Passed 3/0 19:15 in executive session to discuss above, out of Executive Session 19:25. Abatement was given. Ed will notify the Assessor of the Abatement of $1500. if taxes are paid by September 30, 2005. If taxes are not paid by this date then the full amount will be due and the Town will take foreclosure procedures.
2. Discussion was held on Sue Marchand, She was missed on last years tax billing and is requesting an abatement on the interest that she has been charged since October 30 2005, Motion made by Jim Trask 2nd by Ed LeBlanc to give an abatement of interest till July 1, 2005 then interest will start accruing at that point. Passed 2/1
3. Tom Allain was in to discuss his lunch wagon T-n-T Dynomite at D&H Convience Store, He needs to find a new location due to the increase in trucker traffic and no parking there, He has had discussions with Rusty Keene about locating it at the Old Town Garage but Rusty wanted the Towns opinion before he made a decision. Ed LeBlanc stated that he would look into if there were any stipulations put on the sale of that property and get back to him.
4. An inspection report has been received from the State re: the old cap Landfill, they have made mention to some debris that needs to be taken care of and we need to take a more proactive approach to keep the 4 wheelers off it, the report and recommendations were given to the Road Commissioner to have him address these issues.
5. The Tax Collector has requested a 2 drawer filing cabinet to be purchased from Fisher James Company for the cost of $75.00 Motion to have her purchase this by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Jim Trask, Passed 3/0
6. Keith Harris has stated that there will be a ZBA workshop on Tuesday May 24, 2005 at 7pm.
1. Selectmen’s Minutes of the May 9, 2005
2. Bills since last Warrant
3. Warrant #24
1. None.
Motion by Keith Harris and seconded by Jim Trask to adjourn at 20:30
Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.
_________________________Ed LeBlanc (Chairperson)
_________________________Keith Harris
_________________________Jim Trask