

JUNE 13, 2005

PRESENT: Ed LeBlanc, Jim Trask, Ted Poirier, Chris L’Heureux,


OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Mike Souliere, Marilyn Walls, Kermit Littlefield

Selectman Ed LeBlanc declared the meeting open at 19:00




1. BOS asked if Michelle Boisjoly has made an appointment with Trio to get the updated Assessor’s Software, Chris told the Board that Michelle Boisjoly is working on it and will keep them advised. She hopes to get it done ASAP.

2. Chris told the Board that he informed Michelle Boisjoly that the Towns People were notified of the mistake with the county tax last year at the Annual Town Meeting, and that the BOS planned on taking that figure off this years Tax Commitment. The audience was supportive of this and had no negative comments, The BOS asked that Michele Boisjoly notify the State and ask them if this is would be allowed and give them our correct figures.

3. Ed LeBlanc will notify Angela Cushman and Angela Harris to see if they will come in next week to discuss the status of the budgetary software. He will try to set the meeting up at 7pm.



1. Newly elected Selectmen Ted Poirier was welcomed by the Board.

2. Marilyn Walls was in to request a speed limit change on Dyer Road, She was advised that the State has just looked over this road and they have made recommendations on that road, Mike Souliere has the report and she was advised that he will be posting it as recommended by the State DOT.

3. Virginia Procter was in requesting that we go ahead with the Accountants recommendation of opening a separate bank Account for the School Budget. This would be operated by Union 7 with Authorization by the School Board. Motion made by Ed LeBlanc to do this starting the new fiscal year, 2nd by Jim Trask. Passed 3/0

4. Motion by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Jim Trask to have Ted Poirier be the Chair of the BOS. Ted Poirier accepted the position.

5. Motion by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Ted Poirier to have Jim Trask be head of Support of the Poor. Passed 3/0 Jim accepted the position.

6. Ed LeBlanc will be taking over the duties of representative to the Ten Towns Group, and the Liaison from the Dump Contract.

7. Ed LeBlanc has been notified that the notices for the ZBA Variance coming up were sent out late. Ed LeBlanc will be calling the Secretary to the ZBA and find out what happen. Ed will invite her to an Executive Session to discuss this.

8. Kermit Littlefield was in to discuss an issue with the parking on Hollis Road by the Outlaws Club, Jim Trask advised him that they are aware of the situation and they are planning on advising the Parking Ordinance, but this will take some time.



1. Selectmen’s Minutes of the June 06, 2005

2. Bills Since Last Warrant

3. Warrant #26


1. Public Hearing June 15, 2005 at 6:30 pm to discuss issues at the School.


Motion by Ted Poirier and seconded by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn at 20:30

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
