January 24, 2005
PRESENT: Ed LeBlanc, Keith Harris, Chris L’Heureux, Jim Trask
OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Michelle Boisjoly, Paul Poirier, Barbara Peterson, Jane Preston, Ted Poirier, Mike Souliere,
There was no meeting on January 17, 2005 due to Martin Luther King Day.
Selectman Ed LeBlanc declared the meeting open at 19:00
1. Discussion was held over the Part Time Assessor’s contract, The Town Attorney has written the contract. A discussion was held on the performance review should be done at 3 months instead of 6 months, All 3 selectmen agreed and ed will have the attorney ad this into the contract. They will hopefully sign the contract next week.
2. Ed wants to start the Building Committee; Keith Stated that Charles Wilkerson, Pam Carr, and Ben Harris are all interested in being on the committee. Ed LeBlanc has volunteered to be on it, Jim Roberts and Ted Poirier have also volunteered. Motion made by Keith Harris 2nd by Jim Trask to have these people on the Building Committee, Passes 3/0 Ed will get things started with these people.
3. Ed LeBlanc wants each Board Member to investigate the ZBA Recommendations on giving Variances, then discuss in a couple of weeks and try to come up with a Town Policy. Keith will talk to ZBA and Ed will talk to the Planning Board re getting an ordinance started.
4. Another notice was received from MMA re Workers Comp Policy still not being paid. Jim stated he has dropped off the bill to the School Department, He will go down again tomorrow and personally deliver it to Dennis Kerrigan.
1. Barbara Peterson was in to discuss the Planning position of Jack Taylor she feels that he came to Town bought some land and a house, sold the house and is subdividing the land and is not even a resident of the Town of Dayton, she feels the Town would be best represented by someone who lives in Town. Jane Preston states that she feels the same and would like to see something done. Ed stated that the Planning Board has been doing great work this year and that Selectmen have discussed this topic with the Planning Board and the Planning Board felt that he was a valuable member and they would like to keep him, Ed stated that they can talk to the Planning Board but he don’t think things will change, Ed also informed them that when his subdivision is brought to the Planning Board Jack is not involved in the process.
2. Jane Preston also mentioned that there have been 2 truck tires dump on the side of Union Falls Road, laid up on the snow bank, Keith Harris says he will pick them up tomorrow and bring to the dump.
3. Jane Preston also mentioned that there is a run off problem at the entrance of Dearborn Pit. Ed stated that he would notify Mike Souliere to take a look at it.
4. Paul Poirier stated that they plan on pushing back the snow banks starting tomorrow night.
5. Ed discussed with Paul Poirier, about hitting mail boxes, Paul says there has only be a couple and they don’t hit them on purpose, Jim Roberts stated that he would post the legal notice that mail boxes that do get hit are not the Towns responsibility, Jim will post it on the web site and on the Town Hall door.
6. Jim Trask has spoken to Barry Hobbins re coming into a meeting in the next couple of weeks and discuss what our Town’s benefits will be in the new proposed State Budget. Jim will set it up and let us know when the date will be.
7. Resignation letter from Jason Harris for his position on the Assessor’s Board. Effective January 10, 2005. Letter was accepted.
1. Minutes of the January 10, 2005 Board of Selectmen’s meeting.
2. Bills since last Warrant
3. Warrant #15
4. Appointment Papers for Budget Committee Barbara Peterson, Woody Brown, Dan Gay.
1. Preliminary Budget Meeting with the School Board on February 14, 2005 at 7pm at the Selectmen’s Office.
Motion by Keith Harris and seconded by Ed Leblanc to adjourn at 20:45
Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.
_________________________Ed LeBlanc (Chairperson)
_________________________Keith Harris
_________________________Jim Trask