February 14, 2005
PRESENT: Ed LeBlanc, Keith Harris, Chris L’Heureux, Jim Trask
OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Dennis Carrigan, Skip Cushman, Mike Wallace, Millie Tuttle, Connie Lambert, Ted Poirier, Shawn Dutremble, Dick Lagarde
Selectman Ed LeBlanc declared the meeting open at 19:00
1. Letter received from Omer Gagnon re moving Buda Road it is his believe that moving of the Road was part of the Dearborne Pit Conditional Use Permit. Ed has also received a phone call from Omer, Motion by Jim Trask 2nd by Ed Leblanc to send this matter back to the Planning Board for resolution.
2. Jim Roberts said that on February 23, 2005 a representative from the Rapid Renewal Program will be here to go over the program with the Tax Collector and Jim Roberts.
1. Skip Cushman was in with Dennis Carrigan and Mike Wallace from Union 7 to go over expectations with the new budget. Our contract with Thornton Academy is over and it is possible for there to be a tuition hike of about $300,000 this is due to the difference of State allowed Tuition now to when the last contract was done., They also stated that as of now the figures from the State re reimbursement show that the Town of Dayton will be receiving close to $500,000 more in State Aid. But we may need to spend more in certain areas to get more; the model is new and will take some time to figure out. It is unsure at this time if there will be an elimination of a 1st Grade Teacher. Right now there is 23 students going into 1st grade and the EPS Model is set for 17, this will have to be figured out by a vote of the School Board.
2. Skip Cushman explained to the Selectmen that they have updated or Property insurance, they have taken off the contents in the empty portable and taken off the old Town Garage, they have added the new large portable and Salt shed with no contents.
3. Dick Lagarde was in re the Steel Road, he is interested in some of the McLaughlin property off that Road and he wants to know what his options are to improve that Road, He was informed by Ed LeBlanc that as far as the Town is concerned that the Steel Road is abandoned by the Town. Questions were raised who would be liable for that road and who would end up assuming the liability. Ed LeBlanc stated that he would discuss this with the Town Attorney and get back to the Board.
4. Motion by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Jim Trask to have the Treasurer apply for a Credit Card for the Town. This will be used for buying online supplies and updating software like Norton Antivirus online. Passed 3/0
5. Keith Harris brought to everyone’s attention that our contract with Blow Bros DBA BBI Waste Ind will expire on March 1st 2005, There is an extension clause in the Contract. Ed asked Keith to contact them and see if they will meet with us next Monday at 7pm to discuss the contract.
6. Motion made by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Jim Trask to allow the Assessor get a digital camera and other supplies she needs that she is unable to order from our regular supplier. Limit on the digital Camera was set at $300. Passed 3/0
1. Bills since last Warrant.
2. Warrant #17
1. None.
Motion by Keith Harris and seconded by Ed Leblanc to adjourn at 20:45
Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.
_________________________Ed LeBlanc (Chairperson)
_________________________Keith Harris
_________________________Jim Trask