

April 04, 2005

PRESENT: Ed LeBlanc, Keith Harris, Jim Trask, Chris L’Heureux,


OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Ted Poirier, Mike Souliere, Dana Robinson, Norman Bilodeau, Karen Gagnon, Ben Harris, Mike Lord, Ray Bilodeau, Tom Hooper,

Selectman Ed LeBlanc declared the meeting open at 19:00




1. Norman Bilodeau of the Goodwin’s Mills Fire Dept was in with some support people to give an explanation on their new stipend program that they are looking at adding to the budget for this year at a total cost of $17,100 with a per Town cost of $8,550. A lengthy discussion was held with the Fire Department Personnel. After 40 min, Ed LeBlanc asked them to go back to their members with a compromise of some sort of phase in plan, or nothing, he will take it to the members tomorrow night and get back to us with their decision.




1. Ed LeBlanc asked Mike Souliere to sweep the School parking lots as soon as he can. Mike said he would get to it soon.

2. Dearborn Bros have approached the Road Committee about putting up to $80,000 in repairs to Hollis Road if they can increase the amount of loads and the weight limit of the trucks that are hauling, but he can’t do it till about September of this year. Dana Robinson stated that he don’t think the $80,000 would be enough to fix the road up to hold the increase in traffic and weight, and for that to be they would need to visit the Planning Board to update the conditional use permit. Selectmen were not in favor of this.

3. Mike Souliere stated that because of the damage the Dump Trucks are doing to Hollis Road it would be in the best interest to just shim and overlay the road as far as we can with the budget we have and replace the culverts the only need to be replaced and do ditching work, Selectmen were in agreement with this and Dana will get us a price for next week on shim and overlay.

4. Ed LeBlanc stated that the Town Clerk would like to hire Trio for a day to do some training on the new budgetary software. Motion by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Keith Harris to have a person come from Trio to have Training Session on the program. Passed 3/0

5. Motion by Ed LeBlanc to move $1000 from surplus in article 39 support to Support of the Poor and $276. to the Surety Bonds Article to cover over expenditures. Passed 3/0



1. Selectmen’s Minutes of the March 28, 2005

2. Bills since last Warrant

3. Warrant #21


1. Budget Meeting Wednesday April 6, 2005 6:30 pm in the Selectmen’s Office.


Motion by Keith Harris and seconded by Jim Trask to adjourn at 21:00

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ed LeBlanc (Chairperson)

_________________________Keith Harris

_________________________Jim Trask
