

April 18, 2005

PRESENT: Ed LeBlanc, Keith Harris, Jim Trask, Chris L’Heureux,


OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Kyle Spencer, Skip Cushman, Angela Harris, Amos Gay

Selectman Ed LeBlanc declared the meeting open at 19:04


APPOINTMENTS: Kyle Spencer to Animal Control Officer for a 3 year Term.


1. Keith Harris gave Jim Roberts the e-mail address to mail the photo’s to have the id badges done, Jim was also given the information to put on the Badges.




1. Kyle Spencer was in acquiring about the vacancy of the Animal Control Contract, The job description was explained by Ed LeBlanc, Pay was discussed it was decided to pay $10 hr and mileage at 32 cents per mile. Keith Harris will get a pager from the Goodwin’s Mills Fire Dept, for the Animal Control Officer, Kyle Agreed to this and has accepted this position for 3 years. He will come in this week for an ID picture and get sworn in.

2. Ed LeBlanc asked Amos Gay if he would be Moderator of the Annual Town Meeting for June 10, 2005 at 7pm, he agreed to do this.

3. Skip Cushman was in to hand in the School Articles for the Annual Town Warrant, It was also discussed what to do with the Article for the School Capital Improvement, the $25,000 would bring the School Budget over the States EPS the monies are controlled by the Selectmen and the School Board feels it should be a Town Article,

4. At 19:30 the Public Hearing was started, (see Public Hearing Minutes attached) Back to Selectmen’s Meeting at 19:50.

5. I Keith Harris move that the board go into Executive Session pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(A) to discuss an Abatement in taxes received from the Assessor’s Office for Darrell Stewart at 19:55. Selectmen out of Executive Session at 20:00 Passed 3/0

6. Selectmen discussed the Educational Course’s that the assessor want to attend thru the University of Southern Maine, all selectmen were in agreement to have her attend these course’s and they Town will pay for them.




1. Selectmen’s Minutes of the April 11, 2005

2. Bills since last Warrant

3. Warrant #22


1. None


Motion by Keith Harris and seconded by Jim Trask to adjourn at 20:30

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ed LeBlanc (Chairperson)

_________________________Keith Harris

_________________________Jim Trask
