

JULY 25, 2005

PRESENT: Ed LeBlanc, Ted Poirier, Jim Trask, Chris L’Heureux,


OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Kyle Spencer, Mike Souliere, Mike Scott. Norman Bilodeau

Selectman Ted Poirier declared the meeting open at 19:00




Leo Gilbert called on July 11, 2005 with a complaint about time constraints with the Planning Board re a piece of property he wants to build on that is being considered a minor subdivision. Ed LeBlanc spoke to the planning board and they told him that when he has his paper work in order they will take him thru the process as soon fast as the law allows like they do with all applicants. But he needs to go thru the process like anyone else and he would not be receiving special treatment.

Mike Souliere got one more culvert done on Hollis Road last week he has one more to do which he plans on getting done this week. Then he will schedule to get it paved.

Ted Poirier spoke to Department of Transportation Scarborough Division re getting No jumping off bridge on Route 35 at the Mill Pond. The Town has had several complaints, The DOT wants a letter from the Town and they will go from their.



Meeting was held with the Animal Control Officer, Kyle Spencer re operating procedure. Ed LeBlanc spoke to Kyle about the excessive hours being done in this job. Ed told Kyle that it is not his fault and that he was unfamiliar with the job but this meeting is just to get him more familiar with what is expected of him and what he is and is not to be doing.

Skip Cushman was in to advise the Board that an Agreement with Thornton Academy has been reached to send our Secondary Education kids. This is a 5 year deal, The contract is being drafted and once done it is anticipated on being signed by the School Board in the near future.

Skip Cushman also advised the Board that an Agreement has been reached with the K thru 5 Teachers. This would be a 3 year contract. The contract is being drafted and once done it is anticipated on being signed by the School Board in the near future.

Mike Scott was in to explain to the Board that after this summer he would like to be done on the Recreation Committee and he believes that Bret Monroe is in the same boat. He would like the Board of Selectmen find other interested people to be on the Committee. Ted asked the Board to talk to people and bring names of interested people to the meeting next week

Ed LeBlanc stated that has had a call from Rose Hill on the Planning Board and they need new members, David Clark has sold his house and is moving out of town and Dan Kelly has not shown up since his Appointment to the Board. Ted asked the Board to talk to people and bring names of interested people to the meeting next week.

Norman Bilodeau was in to get the Selectmen to sign the Yearly Renewal Addendum for the Goodwin’s Fire Department Contract to provide services.

Norman Bilodeau also gave a brief summary of the new proposal from the State to decrease the States 911 centers. Ed LeBlanc is keeping advised on this topic via the 11 Towns Group.

Jim Trask is going to get prices on copiers, There has been more complaints that the copier in the CEO office needs repairs and the estimate is approximately is $800. He will bring in prices next week.

We are having problems with 3 computers that just keep shutting down for no reason. The computers are on the low end of what we are requiring now for the programs we are using and the windows software is 98 and needs to be upgraded. Motion by Jim Trask 2nd by Ed LeBlanc to purchase 3 new computers to replace the 3 we are having problems with. Passed 3/0

A call was received from the Town of Alfred re the Time Warner Cable contracts that need to be signed. They want to have a meeting August 1, 2005 at 5pm to go over details and see what the group can do to work on the contracts so the Town can get want it is promised. Ted Poirier asked Jim Roberts if he will be willing to attend. Jim stated that he would and he will post that he will be unavailable for CEO hours during 4pm to 7pm on August 1 2005.



Selectmen’s Minutes of the July 18, 2005

Warrant Preview of 7/25/05

Warrant for Special Town Meeting re: Options for repairing School Portable. Jim Roberts (Constable also signed this and posted it at 20:00 on 7/25/05 (Copy Attached)

Letter to Department of Transportation Scarborough Division re getting No jumping off bridge on Route 35 at the Mill Pond. (copy of letter attached)

Selectmen signed the Yearly Renewal Addendum for the Goodwin’s Fire Department Contract to provide services. ( copy of letter attached)




1. None


Motion by Ted Poirier and seconded by Ed LeBlanc to adjourn at 21:00

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ted Poirier (Chairperson)

_________________________Ed Leblanc

_________________________Jim Trask
