

May 10, 2004

PRESENT: Ed LeBlanc, Jim Trask, Keith Harris, Chris L’Heureux,


OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, T Poirier, Dana Robinson, Mike Souliere,

~Selectman Ed LeBlanc declared the meeting open at 19:06



OLD BUSINESS: Regular meeting Started at 19:50

1. Dave Clark came in and explained that he believes that SDI has meet all the conditions of the Planning Board and that he believes that a Conditional use permit was issued, he will look for the hard copy and forward it to us.

2. Town Report has been proof read and sent back to the printers. Keith took it back this am and is will be done by May 27th or 28th.

3. Jim Roberts check into mailing the Town Reports and states that the cost will be about $1.10 a piece and there may also be some set up cost re a bulk mailing permit and addressing, Jim Roberts states that we can have them available at D&H, the Town Hall and post notices that reports can be had at those places. It was decided to have distribution points instead of mailing them.

4. Hight Road culverts Jim Trask states that he has found Howard Trucking is interested in doing them and he is going to meet with Mark Mooers and find the exact culverts and get back to the Board of Selectmen with a price.

5. Dyer Road Culvert: Ed Leblanc has talked with the Town of Hollis re where they stand, they have not really done anything but have tentatively budgeted $25,000 for their half of the project, Ed told them that we need to get bids out so when the money is approved we are ready to move on the project. Hollis Road Commissioner has the bid packs and will be putting it out to bid and let us know when the bids are in.

6. Mike Souliere states that he has got the trees at the intersection of Anderson Road and Dyer Road has been trimmed he states that he believes that is will be a big help now if we scraped the hill down as much a possible. Mike Souliere has been given permission to scape the bank down and to have it done by June 30th 2004.

7. Mike Souliere wanted clarification on his orders for street sweeping he understood it was only the major intersections, Ed LeBlanc made a motion to do all intersections in town up to $1000. Passed 3/0


1. 19:07 Motion by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Keith Harris to skip the regular order and go to a public hearing on the Local Referendum.

2. Dave Clark has requested on behalf of the Planning Board that the Board of Selectmen put a moratorium on Cell Phone Towers till the Board has time to come up with a plan for them, The Board of Selectmen discussed that option and all felt that is was just putting road blocks up in front of these people for no known reason, Motion by Jim Trask 2nd by Keith Harris not to venture into a moratorium at this time. Passed 3/0

3. Keith Harris stated that he got a phone call by Omar Gagne re his understanding of the Buda Road when he bought the place that a new entrance to Buda Road would be created and land would be bought, Dave Clark discussed that he believes that Pol Hermes was going to donate land to move the entrance before she sold, Ed LeBlanc stated that the Hollis Road is on the schedule for next budget to be repaired and we should get all the documentation in order and look at it at that time.

4. Jim Roberts expressed concerns with the cost of disposing mattress at the dump and that is probably the cause of all the recent dumping on the side of the road lately, Keith Harris will look into the fee schedule and get back to the Board of Selectmen to look at and see if there is anything we can do on it.

5. Keith Harris stated that we needed a starting time for the Local Referendum. Discussion was held. Motion made by Keith Harris to open the Polls at 9am 2nd by Jim Trask Passed 3/0


1. Bills received between warrants

2. Warrant #23.

3. Minutes for 5/03/04

4. Local Referendum Warrant for 2004

5. Amendment to Exhibit A of the Parking Ordinance.



1. Town Elections June 8th

2. Town Meeting June 11th at 1900


Motion by Keith Harris and seconded by Ed Leblanc to adjourn at 21:00

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ed LeBlanc (Chairperson)

_________________________Keith Harris

_________________________Jim Trask
