June 07, 2004
PRESENT: Ed LeBlanc, Jim Trask, Keith Harris, Chris L’Heureux,
OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Skip Cushman, M, Souliere,
No meeting Monday May 31, 2004 in observation of Memorial Day.
Selectman Ed LeBlanc declared the meeting open at 19:04
1. Speed limit signs are in for the mast road Jim Trask will pick them up tomorrow and get them to Skip Cushman to be put up ASAP.
2. Skip Cushman came in and filled the BOS in on the portable up in Windham, he states that it needs to be moved next week and Schavi Leasing is going to pick it up. Schavi Leasing gave us a price of $253,000 for all cost except site work. Total rough cost with new rugs, plumbing, frost wall foundation, and site work will be $413,000 completed. A loan of 4% has been found for 5 years and willing to accept what we have budgeted for portables for this year. If frost walls are in by July 20th then Schavi says the unit will be ready for the opening of school.
1. All New Business was tabled till next meeting due to having to set up the Multi Purpose Room for tomorrows elections.
1. Bills received since the last Warrant.
2. Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes of the May 24th 2004 meeting.
3. Warrant #25
1. Town Elections June 8th
2. Town Meeting June 11th at 1900
Motion by Jim Trask and seconded by Ed Leblanc to adjourn at 20:10
Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.
_________________________Ed LeBlanc (Chairperson)
_________________________Keith Harris
_________________________Jim Trask