December 20, 2004
PRESENT: Ed LeBlanc, Keith Harris, Jim Trask, Chris L’Heureux,
OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, Skip Cushman, Mike Souliere,
Selectman Ed LeBlanc declared the meeting open at 19:00
1. Interviews with Applicants for the Assessor’s Position are scheduled for Thursday’ night, 1st interview is at 7:00pm and 2nd interview is at 7:30pm, Ed request all hiring panel members be here at 6:30. Process was talked about in detail. Ed will ask Jim Roberts to contact MMA for a Salary survey and a generic job description.
2. Ed states that after further consideration it was decided to leave the Planning Board as is in re: to personnel.
3. Ed states that they will have nominations for the 2 positions available for Budget Committee next week.
1. Skip Cushman came in to request a preliminary Budget Meeting on February 14, 2004 at 7pm at the selectmen’s office, for the Selectmen and Budget Committee. Skip stated that they are having a problem with a bus, it is costing a lot of money to keep it going, The School Board has voted to purchase a new bus, He wanted the Selectmen to know incase it goes over the 5% for line item transfer’s it will need Selectmen approval. Skip will keep them posted.
2. Skip showed the Selectmen a letter that states the negotiations between the Dayton School Board and Thornton Academy for our middle school students has ended and an agreement couldn’t be reached. (Copy of letter attached)
1. Minutes of the December 13, 2004 Board of Selectmen’s meeting.
2. Back Ground Check for Maine State Police for an applicant on a concealed weapon’s permit.
3. MMA Risk Management Survey for the 2005 Workers’ Comp Application.
1. None
Motion by Keith Harris and seconded by Ed Leblanc to adjourn at 20:40
Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.
_________________________Ed LeBlanc (Chairperson)
_________________________Keith Harris
_________________________Jim Trask