

May 17, 2004

PRESENT: Ed LeBlanc, Jim Trask,Chris L’Heureux,

ABSENT: Keith Harris

OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Roberts, T Poirier, Dana Robinson, Mark Mooers,

~Selectman Ed LeBlanc declared the meeting open at 19:06




1. Hight Road culverts we are still looking for someone that is interested Jim Trask is meeting with someone tomorrow to go over it and maybe get a price.

2. Ed LeBlanc filled in the BOS that the Dyer Road culvert is going out to bid by Hollis and we have a couple of bid packets if we know of anyone that may be interested in doing it contact him for a bid pack.

3. No word yet from Dave Clark on gravel pits and conditional use permits.

4. Buda Road Hollis Road intersection: the BOS has received a letter from Omar Gagnon re his understanding was that road intersection was to be moved for safety reasons, the BOS discussed the letter, Motion by Ed LeBlanc 2nd by Jim Trask to have the Town Attorney look at the conditional use permit for the gravel pit and get he understanding on the intersection change. Passes 2/0 Jim Roberts will call Maxine (Town Attorney) and have her look into it.

5. Exit interview from the superintendent is needed and Ed LeBlanc will contact Skip Cushman re getting this done ASAP before she leaves. Ed LeBlanc will keep us informed.

6. Robert Paradis from 8 Mast Road 499-7420 was back in tonight looking for the status on speed limit and children playing signs to be posted on the Dayton portion of Mast Road. Lyman section is posted at 25mph. Motion By Jim Trask 2nd by Ed LeBlanc to purchase two 25mph signs and get them installed and not purchase the children playing signs. Passed 2/0

7. Jim Trask filled in the BOS re the Workers’ Comp Policy he states that the insurance company is making a new policy and still needs a little more info from the school but Jim Trask will get her that info this week, he states that she is also trying to get us some money reimbursed.

8. Letter that was received by Daniel Godbout for the residents on the Simpson Road Saco Re: shooting that is going on at the Gibbons Property on River Ridge Way

9. Alan Mullett called re BBI Waste charging for disposal at the transfer station. He talked with them and they stated the Town had a list of goods and the cost for them. Ed LeBlanc filled him in and let him know that Keith Harris was supposed to look into this as we have had several complaints.

10. Jim Roberts states that he has looked at it and it needs to be replaced but will hold till winter when he has time to repair it.


1. Budgets, Account Balances were discussed and the one line item that will be severely over drafted is going to be the dump account. We will need to look at how much the anticipated over draft will be and make an article that will have to be inserted into the Town Reports to cover the overdraft. It was noted that the new budgetary software will help us hold lines tighter next year. Ed will call BBI and have them get us an expense report to review and see where the big increases are.

2. Ed LeBlanc is working on a Harassment Plan and will keep us advised and working with the school to hold one program for everyone.

3. Tax Cap Bill was discussed and the States estimate of money Dayton will loose in revenue will be $844,000 Keith Harris is attending the Ten Towns Meeting tonight and it is on this subject and he will keep us advised.

4. Salt bid pack from SMRPC requesting our amounts for next year came in Ed LeBlanc will take it to Paul Poirior to get filled out.


1. Minutes of the May 10 2004 meeting.


1. Town Elections June 8th

2. Town Meeting June 11th at 1900


Motion by Jim Trask and seconded by Ed Leblanc to adjourn at 20:35

*Minutes may not be verbatim they may have been paraphrased for clarity.


_________________________Ed LeBlanc (Chairperson)

_________________________Keith Harris

_________________________Jim Trask
